Vlog Like Casey Neistat: How to Film?
I'm back with the second part of Vlog Like Casey Neistat series.
Previously, I published The Concept, which is 1st part and this one is second and is going to be all about Filming - How to Film?
And yeah.
I'm not going to talk about Editing in this guide because it is not something we can cover in an article. But, what I will do is that I'll add or recommend an AWESOME editing guide that you'll think is the one you should get.
Now, let me finish the series by starting today's guide...
How to Vlog Like Casey Neistat? Filming!
In filming, there is only ONE thing you should care about.
That is telling the "story".
And by the story I mean, the Topic of Your Vlog.
If you can tell the story right even by shooting with a camera that is 20 years old, you're a TRUE filmmaker or a TRUE vlogger, in this case.
With that said, let me now suggest you some gear to shoot your vlogs with...
1- What's the Best Vlogging Camera?
Remember, from now on, keep this quote in mind...
Best Gear TO Have, Is the One You DO Have.
Sean Cannell says this in his videos on Video Influencers and THiNK Media TV. He runs both of these channels on YouTube. I've subscribed to both of these and recommend you to do the same as well.
This is what I follow and believe in as well.
And THIS is why I'm not recommending any camera to you guys. Because I have a DSLR and I don't feel really comfortable using it for Vlogging.
I think you should use a portable camera or something to Vlog.
Why's that?
Well, If you do take a DSLR with you, and you Vlog the hell out of streets using your DSLR, people are going to STARE at you the entire time. (You certainly shouldn't take a DSLR out for Vlogging if you're a Shy or Sensitive soul.)
What you can do is that you can take an iPhone or Android mobile that you already have, take it and go for a walk and start vlogging.
And when you follow this practice, no one's gonna even look at you because they'll probably think you're taking selfies or doing a Skype call or something.
Whereas if you take a DSLR or a BIG filming camera, you're going to attract a lot of eyeballs...
2- Example of Low-Budget, But High-Quality Vlogging!
Hassaan Khan is one of my friends on Facebook. He's a Vlogger as well and teaches vlogging at the same time. His motive is to Inspire people of Pakistan to start Vlogging and support the economy eventually.
Pretty dope, right?
Let's see one of HIS vlogs as well.
And yeah. His vlogs are in Urdu...
That's all I had to say on this topic.
If you still are HUNGRY for more information, please watch this video from Casey Neistat himself on How to Vlog?
3- Best Video Editing Course!
As promised, I'm going to share THE best Video Editing Course I've found on the Internet.
I'm a HUGE fan of Jared Polin from FroKnowsPhoto.
They've made three awesome guides that are on Getting Out of Auto: DSLR Photography, DSLR Video, and DSLR Flash Photography.
I have all of these three saved on my SSD...
And now, the fourth one, Guide to Video Editing! You can read everything about it on their sales page...
Visit here: http://froknowsphoto.com/video-editing-guide/
And yeah.
Most people ask How Do I Design Thumbnails?
Well, this time, I'm giving a link to my RAW video recording that I did when I was designing this same exact thumbnail.
Here's the recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ABQEUpIxNY
Most people ask How Do I Design Thumbnails?
Well, this time, I'm giving a link to my RAW video recording that I did when I was designing this same exact thumbnail.
Here's the recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ABQEUpIxNY
What do YOU think?
Do you like the idea of Vlogging with iPhone? Or would you rather go for Vlogging with a DSLR...
I'd love to have your thoughts on it.
Please leave them down below in comments section so more and more people can get benefit from this series by reading the different point of views.